ALS 1234: CALS First-Year Seminar

ALS 1234 is a collaborative course across several departments in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences including Agriculture and Applied Economics, Agricultural Leadership and Community Education, Crop and Soil Environmental Science, Dairy Science, Food Science and Technology, Horticulture, Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise and Life Sciences Undecided. The course promotes a multidisciplinary perspective on agriculture and life sciences by having students explore disciplinary topics and problems and participate in research and inquiry projects.
Contact: Katie White
What Students are Saying
"It has helped me adjust to college life, and it has given me some very helpful tools for success. It serves me as a class that I can have at the very beginning of the week that helps me prepare for the rest of the week."
- CALS first-year student
"Connecting with my major and seeing a couple opportunities in the field has been great, but most of all I enjoy being around people that are interested in the same things that I am."
"I have enjoyed collaborating in groups and the interactive activities in class. This provides more involvement, and we can ask each other questions when we're confused."