UNIV 1824: Pathways to Exploring Your Future

This section of UNIV 1824 helps first semester University Studies majors better navigate the university, engage in education, and succeed in their college experience. It is designed to establish fundamental knowledge and skills that facilitate success during college and to serve students for the rest of their lives. Various activities incorporate problem solving, inquiry, and integration of knowledge.
A section of UNIV 1824 is also available to non-University Studies students who are early in their academic careers and unsure about their current majors. Students in this “transitional” section will participate in activities like those listed above and will have opportunities to explore alternative majors that better fit their goals.
3 Things You Should Know
- Students may struggle in their first semester -- it’s normal!
- Asking for help does not mean you are weak.
- You are experiencing, or going to experience, a transition to college.
Key Learning Experience
Examining your decision on a major.
What is the most enjoyable part of the course? What can students learn from this part of the course?
The socialization with peers to find your place at Virginia Tech. Students learn a variety of skills, lessons, and experimentation by working with others.
Other Things to Know?
Being undecided is normal!
Contact: Dana Trask