Fall 2022 Edition

Hi FYE Community,
I am Kendria Mason, the new coordinator of the First-Year Experiences program. I have had the great pleasure of meeting some of you and others I haven’t had the opportunity to meet yet. But if you would like to know more about me, you can check out the VTx story that was released shortly after my hiring.
As we get through the year and support your efforts in the First-Year Experience program, we are intentional about providing resources, information, and opportunities that will be useful to your growth and work as you support first-year and transfer students.
The purpose of this newsletter is to continue to maintain communication with the overall community by celebrating the great things that are happening in the FYE classrooms, providing practical insight from fellow instructors, along with some program updates.
I hope you enjoy this newsletter and find the information helpful as you go through the remainder of the semester.
Best Regards,
Kendria Mason
You Are Making A Difference!
The start of the semester has been quite busy for some and a time of adaptability for many. With this, please know your work has not gone unnoticed. Below are some quotes from the Mid-Semester Survey that highlight the impact the FYE community is having on our students. -KM
“The way the professor speaks to us as a mentor and not as a figure that's in authority.”
“The weekly journals that we do allow us to dive into our inner thoughts and just brain dump things that are enlightening in our lives and troubling us.”
“This class helped me get eight internship offers for this summer!”
“One, the professor communicates well with us and explains things in different ways in case we didn't understand the first perspective. Two, I've been pleasantly surprised with the material I've learned so far. I wasn't really expecting to have all these 'revelations' and learning all this other super interesting stuff. Three, the professor also seems to think about us and our well-being and what we may or may not be able to handle.”
Your knowledge, ingenuity, creativity, and care has contributed greatly to the experience of first-year and transfer students. We are all grateful for the work you are doing. Thank You!
General ItemCourse Spotlight: Foundations of Business, First-Year Experiences at PCOB
When teaching his First-Year Experiences course for Pamplin students, Ron Poff has a few key lessons from his career that he wants to share with students as early as possible in their education.
General ItemFirst-Year Experiences for Transfers: Five Questions for Allison Silknetter
Transfer students have always been an important part of the FYE program but in recent years students who started their undergraduate education elsewhere have received a renewed emphasis.
General ItemVTx: Kendria Mason named First-Year Experiences coordinator
Kendria Mason has been named the coordinator of First-Year Experiences, the universitywide program supporting the academic transition of new Virginia Tech students.
General Item