COMM 1004: First-Semester Experience in COMM

COMM 1004 emphasizes in both the freshman and transfer sections a focus on the integration of existing knowledge about the discipline of human communication and the problem solving skills and strategies needed to explore that knowledge.
3 Things You Should Know
- We seek to create a sense of COMM-unity, helping you to develop relationships with your fellow first-year Hokies, upperclassmen, and faculty in the School of Communication that will support you over the next 3 1/2 years.
- We seek to facilitate your awareness of and access to campus resources that you need to help you thrive as a Hokie inside and outside of the classroom.
- Finally, we seek to prepare you for a successful future -- Academically, Ethically, Socially, and Pre-Professionally -- as you move toward making not just a good living with a job when you graduate, but also a good life by what you give in service to others.
Key Learning Experience
INTEGRATION -- learning about ethical responsibilities, resources, and opportunities. Also, nurturing healthy relationships in our COMM-unity and integrating those with your knowledge, aspirations, and goals so you can more effectively plan for success in the future.
What is the most enjoyable part of the course? What can students learn from this part of the course?
Working with and learning from other Hokies. This is experienced through the use of Hokie Undergraduate Groups (H.U.G.s). Each group has a H.U.G. Leader who is a friend and resource of experience, knowledge, and advice. You will also learn from student panelists and guest speakers who visit the class. Hokies learning from Hokies. Hokies helping Hokies.
Other Things to Know?
Come ready to learn and grow in COMM-unity with your fellow Hokies in the School of Communication!
Contact: Buddy Howell