HD 2335: Principles of Human Services

HD 2335 is an introduction to the basic concepts, techniques, and structures of the human services profession. The course incorporates attention to information literacy, problem solving and the integration of learning within the context of human services.
3 Things You Should Know
- You will gain a deeper understanding of the Hokie Community at all levels.
- You will have a chance to explore various human service programs and professions.
- You will have opportunities to engage with clients through service-learning.
Key Learning Experience
Our course is built around a service or experiential learning assignments. The early part of the course prepares you to serve or engage the community. You engage in those experiences through the middle of the semester, and at the end of the semester you are trained to move forward as mentors to incoming students.
What is the most enjoyable part of the course? What can students learn from this part of the course?
Your time with clients in the local community. We work with individuals from diverse backgrounds according to students' professional interests. Some of our partners include, Head Start, Montgomery County Public Schools, VT Adult Day Services, VT Child Development Center, Warm Hearth Village, and various programs serving persons with disabilities.
Other Things to Know?
Be the change you want to see.
This course is an HD Majors only course.
Contact: Victoria Lael